
Teaching with songs

Page history last edited by Lilian Marchesoni 13 years ago


Here you'll find exercises on the lyrics of nice songs. Most of them are songs my students asked me to listen to in class.

Give me your suggestion of a nice song and I'll post an exercise.

The letters below correspond to the name of the artist/band.





ADELE - My same.docx

ADELE - Rolling in the Deep.docx

AKON - Don't Matter 1.doc

AKON - Don't Matter 2.doc

AKON - Freedom.docx

ALICIA KEYS - No one.doc


BEATLES - Help.docx

BEATLES - In my life.doc

BEATLES - Obladi Oblada 1.doc

BEATLES - Obladi Oblada 2.doc

BEATLES - Yellow Submarine.docx

BEE GEES - Staying Alive.doc

BEN HARPER - With my own two hands.docx

BEYONCE - Irreplaceable.doc

BEYONCE - If I were a boy.docx

BLACK-EYED PEAS - Where is the love.doc 

BOB MARLEY - Waiting in vain.docx

BOB MARLEY - War.doc

BOBBY MCFERRIN - Don’t worry, be happy.doc

BRUNO MARS - Just the way you are.docx



COLBIE CAILLAT - Bubbly.docx

COLDPLAY - Viva la vida.docx

COLDPLAY - Paradise.docx

CORINNE BAILEY RAE - Like a star.doc

CORINNE BAILEY RAE - Put Your Records On 1.doc

CORINNE BAILEY RAE - Put Your Records On 2.doc

COUNTING CROWS - Who am I.docx


DELIRIOUS - Stronger.docx


EAGLES - Hotel California.doc

ELVIS PRESLEY - Stand by me.docx



FERGIE - Big girls don't cry.doc

FERGIE - Clumsy.docx


GREASE - Summer Nights.doc


JACK JOHNSON - Better Together 1.doc

JACK JOHNSON - Better Together 2.doc

JACK JOHNSON - Good People.doc

JACK JOHNSON - Never Know.doc

JACK JOHNSON - Sitting, Waiting, Wishing.doc

JACK JOHNSON - Tomorrow Morning 2.doc

JAMIROQUAI - Virtual Insanity.doc

JASON MRAZ - I'm yours.doc

JASON MRAZ - Lucky.docx

JOHN LENNON - Imagine.docx


JUSTIN BIEBER - one time.doc


KELLY CLARKSON - Because of You.doc

THE KOOKS - Naive.docx


LAURYN HILL - Can't take my eyes off of you.doc


MARINA ELALI - One Last Cry.doc

MCFLY - It's all about you.doc

MICHAEL JACKSON - Thriller.docx

MICHAEL JACKSON - You are not alone.doc


NELLY FURTADO - Crazy.docx


PINK - Sober.docx

PINK FLOYD - Money.docx


QUEEN - I want to break free (Emerson Nogueira).doc


SIMON & GARFUNKEL - Mrs. Robinson.doc


THIRD DAY - When the rain comes.docx


U2 - I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For.doc

U2 - Where the streets have no name.doc

U2 - with or without you.docx



Comments (11)

Mariana Sucena said

at 9:23 am on Aug 27, 2009

Lilian, I would like to thank you again for sharing all the things you do with us. I am your biggest fan!
See you around....
Mariana Sucena ;)

Lilian Marchesoni said

at 2:11 am on Aug 29, 2009

Thank you so much Mariana! I know you are also a very nice activity developer.... Post your comments as you use the games and tell me how their worked on your groups! =]

Marcella Brotto said

at 7:34 pm on Nov 4, 2009

Hi Lilian,
I would love to use some of these activities in my classes but I have the hardest time trying to download them. Do you have any suggestions of ways I can get these songs?

Lilian Marchesoni said

at 7:51 pm on Nov 4, 2009

Hi Marcella! I can't figure out why you can't download the activities... Do you have Word 2007 in your pc? Well, anyways, I can send the activity you want to your email... Just tell me which one(s)... :D

Marcella Brotto said

at 8:00 pm on Nov 8, 2009

I'm sorry, I meant to say I couldn't download the songs not the activities.

Lilian Marchesoni said

at 1:14 pm on Jan 11, 2010

Hello Marcella... I'm sorry, too. I have all these songs on my computer. However, I can't make them available here due to copyright issues... I can give you a copy, though... See you around!

Natasha Kerr said

at 9:06 am on Mar 3, 2010

Marcella, maybe you could just go to youtube and find the song there... It's what I do, I find it easier...

Lilian, this is fantastict, thank you so much for sharing it with us!!

Lilian Marchesoni said

at 11:59 pm on Mar 5, 2010

Thanks Natasha! It's nice to have you around.... Let me know how the games are working in your classes... xxx

Lilian Reis said

at 4:34 am on Mar 18, 2010

Xará... May I suggest a song??? I´m not sure our Teens would like it, but adults sure do! ;-)
Blue Moon (Grease version)
Let me know what you think about it, ok?

Lilian Reis said

at 4:35 am on Mar 18, 2010

Marcella... another option for find songs is www.4shared.com , ok? ;-)

Lilian Marchesoni said

at 6:25 pm on Feb 6, 2012

One more suggestion... now the website www.keepvid.com (usually used to download videos) has the option to download only the audio of the video, so you can find the video of the song you want on youtube and save only the mp3. :)

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